Amiga News 96
Amiga News 96.iso
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947 lines
; $Id: Install 1.7 1997/03/28 18:52:19 angela Exp $
; $VER: Install-MakeCD 2.2 (28.3.97)
(procedure P_GET_LANG_FROM_ENV
(if (exists "ENV:Language")
(if (patmatch (getenv "language") txt_lang_0)
(if (patmatch (getenv "language") txt_lang_1)
(if (patmatch @language txt_lang_0)
(if (patmatch @language txt_lang_1)
(set txt_lang_0 "Deutsch") (set txt_langdir_0 "deutsch")
(set txt_lang_1 "English") (set txt_langdir_1 "english")
(set txt_lang_2 "Français") (set txt_langdir_2 "français")
(set txt_lang_3 "Italiano") (set txt_langdir_3 "italiano")
(set txt_lang_4 "Nederlands") (set txt_langdir_4 "nederlands")
(set txt_lang_5 "Norsk") (set txt_langdir_5 "norsk")
(set txt_lang_6 "Suomi") (set txt_langdir_6 "suomi")
(set txt_lang_7 "Svenska") (set txt_langdir_7 "svenska")
(set txt_lang_8 "") (set txt_langdir_8 "")
(set txt_lang_9 "") (set txt_langdir_9 "")
(set numlangs 2)
(if (AND (= 0 origuserlevel) (exists "ENV:Language"))
(set langnum P_GET_LANG_FROM_ENV)
(user 2)
(set langnum
(prompt "Choose the language to be used in this installer script.")
(help "Please select your favourite language.\n\n" "Bitte wählen Sie ihre bevorzugte Sprache.")
(user origuserlevel)
(if (= langnum 0) (set langstring txt_lang_0))
(if (= langnum 1) (set langstring txt_lang_1))
(if (= langnum 2) (set langstring txt_lang_2))
(if (= langnum 3) (set langstring txt_lang_3))
(if (= langnum 4) (set langstring txt_lang_4))
(if (= langnum 5) (set langstring txt_lang_5))
(if (= langnum 6) (set langstring txt_lang_6))
(if (= langnum 7) (set langstring txt_lang_7))
(if (= langnum 8) (set langstring txt_lang_8))
(if (= langnum 9) (set langstring txt_lang_9))
(if (not (exists "ENV:Language"))
(run ("%s%s" "setenv Language " langstring))
; Set default strings
(set #yes_answer
(set #no_answer
(set #choose_yes_or_no
"Please chose \"Yes\" or \"No\"."
(set #extracting_archive
"Extracting archive \"%s\" to directory \"%s\"."
(set #install_requires_lha
"Installation of %s requires LhA. Skipping this part."
(set #warning_old_os
"Please update the operating system. "
"MakeCD requires OS 2.04."
(set #intro_msg
"Welcome at the MakeCD installation!\n\n"
"Although MakeCD is able to run without further installation, you might want to "
"copy it to your hard disk. This script will help you doing this."
(set #select_dest_dir
"Please select the destination directory for MakeCD. "
"The \"MakeCD\" directory will be created automatically."
(set #which_languages_to_install
"Which languages do you want to install?"
(set #install_developer
"Do you want to install developer material? This material "
"describes all you have to know about SUSP (System Use "
"Sharing Protocol), RRIP (Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol) "
"and about the support of Amiga protection bits and file "
"comments on CD-ROM."
(set #install_goodies
"Do you want to install some goodies? This material does not "
"really belong to MakeCD and is not included in the MakeCD "
"registration fee, but might be useful."
(set #remove_oldversion
"The destination directory \"%s\" that you chose already exists. Before installing the "
"new version, this directory has to be cleaned up. Files and directories which have been "
"created by you, are not affected - except when their names collide with the names of "
"MakeCD related files.\n\n"
"May the installer script delete the affected files and directories?"
(set #remove_oldversion_help
"The following commands will be performed:"
(set #abort_on_cleanup
"Could not cleanup directory.\n\nAborting.\n\nInstallation not done."
(set #deleting_old_files
"Deleting old files and directories."
(set #cannot_find_lang_docs
"Sorry, cannot find any docs for language \"%s\".\n\n"
"Installation of the docs of this language skipped."
(set #cannot_find_lang_catalogs
"Sorry, cannot find any catalogs for language \"%s\".\n\n"
"Installation of the catalogs of this language skipped."
(set #cannot_find_div_docs
"Sorry, cannot find some of the doc files.\n\n"
"Installation of these docs skipped."
(set #copying_files
"Please stand by while copying ..."
(set #cannot_find_development_docs
"Sorry, cannot find the development docs.\n\n"
"Installation of these docs skipped."
(set #select_drivers
"Please select the drivers to install."
(set #copy_libs
"MakeCD requires triton.library V6."
; Hier folgen die Strings, die für die deutsche Übersetzung benötigt
; werden. Bei Übersetzungen in andere Sprachen einfach den folgenden
; Block komplett kopieren und die Texte ändern. Die Steuerzeichen
; sollten unverändert bleiben. Wer irgendwo eine Zeile hinzufügen oder
; löschen möchte, muß dir Anzahl der "%s" entsprechend anpassen - für
; jede Zeile steht ein "%s".
(if (patmatch langstring "Deutsch")
(set #yes_answer
(set #no_answer
(set #choose_yes_or_no
"Wählen Sie bitte \"Ja\" oder \"Nein\"."
(set #extracting_archive
"Entpacke Archiv \"%s\" ins Verzeichnis \"%s\"."
(set #install_requires_lha
"Sie benötigen das Programm LhA, um %s zu installieren. Überspringe diesen Teil."
(set #warning_old_os
"Bitte bringen Sie Ihr Betriebssystem auf den neuesten Stand. "
"MakeCD funktioniert erst ab OS 2.04."
(set #intro_msg
"Willkommen zur MakeCD Installation!\n\n"
"MakeCD ist zwar auch ohne weitere Installation lauffähig, aber Sie werden es sicherlich "
"auch auf Festplatte installieren wollen. Dabei hilft Ihnen dieses Skript."
(set #select_dest_dir
"Bitte wählen Sie das Verzeichnis, in dem Sie MakeCD installieren möchten. "
"Ein Verzeichnis \"MakeCD\" wird automatisch angelegt."
(set #which_languages_to_install
"Welche Sprachen möchten Sie installieren?"
(set #install_goodies
"Sollen einige Goodies installiert werden? Die Goodies gehören "
"nicht wirklich zu MakeCD und sind nicht in der Registrier-Gebühr "
"von MakeCD enthalten, könnten sich jedoch als nützlich erweisen. "
(set #install_developer
"Möchten Sie die Dateien für Entwickeler installieren? Diese "
"Dateien beschreiben alles, was Sie über SUSP (System Use "
"Sharing Protocol), RRIP (Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol) "
"und über die Unterstützung von Amiga Protection Bits and Datei-Kommentaren "
"auf CD-ROMs wissen müssen."
(set #remove_oldversion
"Das von Ihnen gewählte Zielverzeichnis \"%s\" existiert bereits. Bevor die neue Version "
"installiert wird, muß in diesem Verzeichnis aufgeräumt werden. Dateien und Verzeichnisse, "
"die von Ihnen in diesem Verzeichnis angelegt wurden, sind davon nicht betroffen - außer "
"wenn Sie Namen vergeben haben, die mit den von MakeCD vergebenen Namen kollidieren.\n\n"
"Darf das Installer-Skript die betroffenen Dateien und Verzeichnisse löschen?"
(set #remove_oldversion_help
"Die folgenden Befehle werden ausgeführt:"
(set #abort_on_cleanup
"Konnte Verzeichnis nicht aufräumen.\n\nBreche Installation ab.\n\nEs wurde nichts installiert."
(set #deleting_old_files
"Lösche alte Dateien und Verzeichnisse."
(set #cannot_find_lang_docs
"Die Anleitung für die Sprache \"%s\" kann leider nicht gefunden werden.\n\n"
"Die Installation der Anleitung dieser Sprache wurde übersprungen."
(set #cannot_find_lang_catalogs
"Der Katalog für die Sprache \"%s\" kann leider nicht gefunden werden.\n\n"
"Die Installation des Katalogs dieser Sprache wurde übersprungen."
(set #cannot_find_div_docs
"Einige der Dokumentations-Dateien können leider nicht gefunden werden.\n\n"
"Die Installation dieser Dateien wurde übersprungen."
(set #copying_files
"Kopiere ... Bitte etwas Geduld."
(set #cannot_find_development_docs
"Die Entwickler-Dokumentation kann leider nicht gefunden werden.\n\n"
"Die Installation dieser Dokumentation wurde übersprungen."
(set #select_drivers
"Welche Treiber möchten Sie installieren?"
(set #copy_libs
"MakeCD benötigt triton.library V6."
(procedure P_SET_GLOBALS
(set osversion (/ (getversion) 65536))
(set volname (expandpath (":")))
(set origuserlevel @user-level)
(run "which >ENV:MAKECDLHAPATH LhA")
(set lhapath (getenv "MAKECDLHAPATH"))
(if (patmatch "\n" (substr lhapath (- (strlen lhapath) 1)))
( ; then
(set lhapath
(substr lhapath 0 (- (strlen lhapath) 1))
(set lhexexists (exists "lhex"))
(if (patmatch "#?LhA" lhapath)
( ; then
(set lhaexists (exists lhapath))
( ; else
(set lhaexists 0)
(procedure P_EXTRACT_FILE archive path objectname
(if (= 1 lhexexists)
( ; then
(working (#extracting_archive archive path))
(run ("lhex -afFqw=%s e %s" path archive))
( ; else
(if (= 1 lhaexists)
( ; then
(working (#extracting_archive archive path))
(run ("%s -a -m -M x %s %s/" lhapath archive path))
( ; else
(message (#install_requires_lha objectname))
(procedure P_WARN_OLD_OS
(if (< osversion 37)
(user 2)
(user origuserlevel)
(procedure P_SELECT_DEST
(set destdir
(prompt #select_dest_dir)
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(set i 0)
(set langbits 0)
(while (< i numlangs)
(set thislangdir (select i txt_langdir_0 txt_langdir_1 txt_langdir_2 txt_langdir_3 txt_langdir_4 txt_langdir_5 txt_langdir_6 txt_langdir_7 txt_langdir_8 txt_langdir_9))
(set langbits
(= 1 (exists ("doc_%s.lha" thislangdir)))
(= 2 (exists (tackon "Catalogs" thislangdir)))
(= 2 (exists (tackon "doc" thislangdir)))
( ; then
(+ langbits (shiftleft 1 i))
( ; else
(+ langbits 0)
(set i (+ i 1))
(set langbits
(prompt #which_languages_to_install)
(help @askoptions-help)
(choices txt_lang_0 txt_lang_1)
(default langbits)
(= 2 (exists "Extras"))
(= 2 (exists "Goodies"))
(set installgoodies
(prompt #install_goodies)
(choices #yes_answer #no_answer)
(help #choose_yes_or_no)
(default 1)
( ;else
(set install_goodies 0)
(= 1 (exists "doc_development.lha"))
(= 2 (exists "doc/Development"))
(set installdev
(prompt #install_developer)
(choices #yes_answer #no_answer)
(help #choose_yes_or_no)
(default 0)
( ;else
(set installdev 0)
(procedure P_COPY_DOCS
(set i 0)
(while (< i numlangs)
(set thislang (select i txt_lang_0 txt_lang_1 txt_lang_2 txt_lang_3 txt_lang_4 txt_lang_5 txt_lang_6 txt_lang_7 txt_lang_8 txt_lang_9))
(set thislangdir (select i txt_langdir_0 txt_langdir_1 txt_langdir_2 txt_langdir_3 txt_langdir_4 txt_langdir_5 txt_langdir_6 txt_langdir_7 txt_langdir_8 txt_langdir_9))
(if (IN langbits i)
(if (= 2 (exists (tackon "doc" thislangdir)))
(source "doc")
(dest (tackon destdir "doc"))
(pattern ("%s#?" thislangdir))
(optional force)
(if (= 1 (exists ("doc_%s.lha" thislangdir)))
(P_EXTRACT_FILE ("doc_%s.lha" thislangdir) (tackon destdir "doc") ("doc/%s" thislangdir))
(message (#cannot_find_lang_docs thislang))
(if (= 2 (exists (tackon "Catalogs" thislangdir)))
(source "Catalogs")
(dest (tackon destdir "Catalogs"))
(pattern thislangdir)
(optional force)
(source "Catalogs")
(dest (tackon destdir "Catalogs"))
(pattern ("%s.info" thislangdir))
(optional force)
( ; else
(if (NOT (patmatch "english" thislangdir)) ; nicht English
(message (#cannot_find_lang_catalogs thislang))
(set i (+ i 1))
(if (AND
(= 1 (exists "doc/History"))
(= 1 (exists "doc/History.info"))
(= 1 (exists "doc/Compatibility"))
(= 1 (exists "doc/Compatibility.info"))
(= 1 (exists "doc/Triton.readme"))
(= 1 (exists "doc/Triton.readme.info"))
( ;then
(source "doc")
(dest (tackon destdir "doc"))
(choices "History" "History.info" "Compatibility" "Compatibility.info" "Triton.readme" "Triton.readme.info")
(optional force)
( ;else
(if (= 1 (exists ("doc_div.lha")))
(P_EXTRACT_FILE "doc_div.lha" (tackon destdir "doc") "doc/#?")
(message #cannot_find_div_docs)
(procedure P_CLEANUP_OLD
(set executestring1 ("delete %s QUIET FORCE" (tackon destdir "(ReadMe|History|MakeCD|Install(%|er)|registerscript|Triton.readme|triton.library)(%|.info)")))
(set executestring2 ("delete %s QUIET FORCE" (tackon destdir "(Extras|Goodies|doc|deutsch|english|Modules|Development|Catalogs).info")))
(set executestring3 ("delete %s QUIET FORCE ALL" (tackon destdir "(Extras|Goodies|doc|deutsch|english|Modules|Development|Catalogs)")))
(prompt (#remove_oldversion destdir))
(choices #yes_answer #no_answer)
(help #remove_oldversion_help "\n\n" executestring1 "\n\n" executestring2 "\n\n" executestring3)
(default 0)
( ; then
(working #deleting_old_files)
(run executestring1)
(run executestring2)
(run executestring3)
( ; else
(abort #abort_on_cleanup)
(procedure P_CREATE_DIRS
(if (NOT (exists destdir))
( ; then
( ; else
(if (NOT (exists (tackon destdir "Modules")))
(if (NOT (exists (tackon destdir "Modules/SCSIDrivers")))
(if (NOT (exists (tackon destdir "Catalogs")))
(if (NOT (exists (tackon destdir "doc")))
(if (NOT (exists (tackon destdir "Tracks")))
(procedure P_COPY_MAKECD
(if (exists "MakeCD.lha")
( ; then
(P_EXTRACT_FILE "MakeCD.lha" destdir "MakeCD")
( ; else
(prompt #copying_files)
(choices "MakeCD" "MakeCD.info" "registerscript")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "")
(dest destdir)
(optional force)
(procedure P_COPY_FILES
(prompt #copying_files)
(choices "ReadMe" "ReadMe.info" "doc.info" "Modules.info" "Catalogs.info")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "")
(dest destdir)
(optional force)
(prompt #copying_files)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Tracks.noinfo")
(dest destdir)
(newname "Tracks.info")
(optional force)
(prompt #copying_files)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "MakeCD.noinfo")
(dest (pathonly ("%s.info" destdir)))
(newname (fileonly ("%s.info" destdir)))
(optional force)
(prompt #copying_files)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(choices "makecdromfs.module" "SCSISupport.module" "ReadWrite.module" "SCSIDrivers.info")
(source "Modules")
(dest (tackon destdir "Modules"))
(optional force)
(if (= 1 installdev)
(if (= 2 (exists "doc/Development"))
(prompt #copying_files)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "doc")
(dest (tackon destdir "doc"))
(pattern "Development#?")
(optional force)
(if (= 1 (exists "doc_development.lha"))
(P_EXTRACT_FILE "doc_development.lha" (tackon destdir "doc") "doc/Development")
(message (#cannot_find_development_docs))
(if (= 1 installgoodies)
(if (= 2 (exists "Goodies"))
( ; then
(prompt #copying_files)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Goodies")
(dest (tackon destdir "Goodies"))
(pattern "Goodies#?")
(optional force)
( ; else
(prompt #copying_files)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Extras.info")
(dest destdir)
(newname "Goodies.info")
(optional force)
(tackon destdir "Goodies")
(prompt #copying_files)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Extras/ReadMe.unpacked")
(dest (tackon destdir "Goodies"))
(newname "ReadMe")
(optional force)
(prompt #copying_files)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Extras/ReadMe.info")
(dest (tackon destdir "Goodies"))
(optional force)
(dest (tackon destdir ("Goodies/ReadMe")))
(foreach "Extras" "#?.lha"
(P_EXTRACT_FILE ("Extras/%s" @each-name) (tackon destdir "Goodies") ("Goodies/%s" @each-name))
(dest (tackon destdir ("Goodies/%s" (substr @each-name 0 (- (strlen @each-name) 4)))))
(procedure P_COPY_DRIVERS
(prompt #select_drivers)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(pattern "#?")
(source "Modules/SCSIDrivers")
(dest (tackon destdir "Modules/SCSIDrivers"))
(optional force)
(procedure P_COPY_LIBS
(prompt #copy_libs)
(help #copy_libs)
(source "triton.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(complete 5)
(complete 10)
(complete 15)
(complete 20)
(message #intro_msg)
(complete 25)
(complete 30)
(complete 35)
(complete 40)
(complete 45)
(complete 50)
(complete 60)
(complete 65)
(complete 80)
(complete 90)
(complete 99)
(set @default-dest destdir)
(complete 100)